Nastja Mulej

Ljubljana, Nastja Mulej, 16-Jan-2015

Nastja Mulej has had the same triangle of interests ever since her first job at 16: communication – writing – teaching. She has tried everything: started as a cleaning lady, continued as a model, was replacing secretaries every summer, anchored her own radio shows on sex, fashion and economy (not at the same time) at the Student Radio, worked for National Television, taught at the university, built her career in PR and advertising… and on the way got her license for motorcycle, squash, horse riding, diving and skydiving, swam with dolphins, went bungee jumping, travelled over 60 countries and wrote thousand of articles.

Being such a renaissance person she worked as an Idea Thinker at New Moment – New Ideas Company, a network of advertising agencies in South East Europe for almost one decade, as Head of New Ideas Department, being a managing director of Ideas Campus and Council for New Thinking.

After giving birth to two wonderful children she focused only in teaching, training, consulting and inspiring creativity in others, being the only licensed trainer of de Bono thinking methods in the country: Six Thinking Hats (for constructive thinking), Lateral Thinking (for creative thinking), Simplicity (to fight complexity) and CoRT (for teaching thinking in schools).

As if this was not enough she found herself interested in the work of Dimis Michaeliedes and got her license to teaching and training the Art of Innovation.

With her help Slovenia is on its way to positive revolution with more and more people practicing constructive and creative, collaborative and deliberate systematic thinking.

Presentation summary:  Creative organizations – myth or reality?

In order to satisfy the curiosity of all out QED participants, Natsja will talk about her work and her ideas in a live interview in which all participants can take part in the discussion. Some of the questions Natsja will answer include:

What is creativity? Is everyone naturally creative, what are the requirements for creativity, and how do we create something that doesn’t exist?

What is the reality and the state of creativity in our companies and organizations – what kind of situation are we currently in, and what are the unwritten rules of creativity observed in successful, but also in unsuccessful companies?

How do successful individuals and companies think, as opposed to their less successful counterparts? How does on think successfully and apply it in practice?

How do we increase innovation and creativity in the workplace? What steps do we need to take and what changes do we need so that creativity abounds within our organizations?