Joachim Gucker

Agile izvor

With effect from October 1, 2006 Joachim Gucker has been appointed COO for ARS. Before this, he was responsible as head of sales and marketing for the company. Before 1999 he was sales manager and the managing director’s assistant. ARS is a consulting organisation and systems integrator based in Munich, Germany, specialized in IBM Software and underpinning technologies. The company has been awarded the Premier Business Partner status for IBM software for 19 years in sequence. Mr. Gucker joined ARS with his IBM background in early 1997. His specialties have since then remained IBM software and IBM license management consulting services, i.e. training, ranging from basic to superior workshops, as well as consulting and license optimization services for for distributed platforms (Linux, UNIX and Windows) and the IBM mainframe. Joachim Gucker was born in 1971. He graduated in computer sciences and business sciences at Technical University Munich in 1996. During his studies he worked in different departments at IBM Germany.

Presentation summary: The Art of the possible in IT: ALM & DevOps evolution or revolution?

The IT industry and the art of application/system production and operations have matured a lot in many places over the past decade. The introduction of methodologies and corresponding tools in application development that accommodate for the “eternal truth” that “Planing is difficult, human communication is hard and error prone, big systems are built by (large) teams, human error is unavoidable but can be countered effectively and the development and operations organisations tend to develop a ‘natural enmity’ if not managed as one entity.” has seen profound evolution. Application Development and DevOps are two approaches that as a pair of twins address many best practices here. The presentation discusses observations in this context made over the recent years and whether these trends are evolutionary or revolutionary in nature.