Dejan Novak


Dejan Novak is a project manager at CROZ. A longtime employee of CROZ, he started off as a developer, moved up to team leader and subsequently became a project manager. Because of his extensive experience, he is familiar with practically every aspect of software development.

He is passionate about everything relating to mobile applications. In recent years a CROZ he’s additionally been working on mobile practices that include technical, methodological, and organizational application development aspects as well as their integration onto an enterprise ecosystem.

Presentation description: The QED mobile application – powered by IBM Bluemix

This year’s QED mobile application came to life in the cloud. Today, cloud solutions offer an interesting alternative to classical hardware and software infrastructures, foremost in regards to price, scalability, and customizability. The IBM Bluemix platform is actually the next generation of cloud solution which is based on the “platform as service” model. During this workshop (presentation), take a look at how this year’s QED mobile application is powered by IBM Bluemix and the advantages and new possibilities of the platform.